Tobi Adeniji

An Intro about myself

I'm a programmer aspiring to be a Security Engineer that recently graduated from Queen Mary University of London. I'm well versed web frameworks and UI libraries - React, Vue, Django, ASP.Net Core & Blazor.

I like to make interesting things and am invested on the security and, privacy of systems and devices for not just me but everyone around me. I've dabbled in Linux via virtual machines to try out Kali, Ubuntu and Whonix.

Comptia Security+ Certified CE Logo

Work Experience

  • Insightful Technology Ltd Logo
    Insightful Technology (2024 - Present)

    I built an email program that generated text to help test their new surveillance system. I work on various backend services for Soteria and feeds.

  • NTT Data Logo
    NTT Data (4 weeks in Augest 2023)

    I worked as an IT assistant in maintaining and setting up IT equiment in offices with installed applications, account and security policies.

  • DWP UK Logo
    Department of Work & Pensions UK (3 weeks in 2022)

    I was an IT assistant that did data analysis on IT inventory to find out which equipment is missing from two sets of databases.

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